Event Booking Climate Circles | Three Horizons | Retreat | ReSource | Monday Monthly | Flourishing Fridays | Community of Practice | All Climate Circles Three Horizons Retreat ReSource Monday Monthly Flourishing Fridays Community of Practice December Climate Circle: London £10.00 Book November Climate Circle: London £10.00 Book October Climate Circle: London £10.00 Book September Climate Circle: London £10.00 Book July Climate Circle: London £10.00 Book June Climate Circle: London £10.00 Book May Climate Circle: London £10.00 Book April Climate Circle: London £10.00 Book March Climate Circle: London £10.00 Book April Monday Monthly: Putting Our Restless Energies to Work £10.00 Book December Monday Monthly: Putting Our Restless Energies to Work £10.00 Book November Monday Monthly: Putting Our Restless Energies to Work £10.00 Book October Monday Monthly: Putting Our Restless Energies to Work £10.00 Book September Monday Monthly: Putting Our Restless Energies to Work £10.00 Book August Monday Monthly: Putting Our Restless Energies to Work £10.00 Book July Monday Monthly: Putting Our Restless Energies to Work £10.00 Book June Monday Monthly: Putting Our Restless Energies to Work £10.00 Book May Monday Monthly: Putting Our Restless Energies to Work £10.00 Book November Hampstead Heath Gathering with Jake Farr £10.00 Book October Hampstead Heath Gathering with Jake Farr £10.00 Book September Hampstead Heath Gathering with Jake Farr £10.00 Book July Hampstead Heath Gathering with Jake Farr £10.00 Book June Hampstead Heath Gathering with Jake Farr £10.00 Book April Hampstead Heath Gathering with Jake Farr £10.00 Book March Hampstead Heath Gathering with Jake Farr £10.00 Book February Hampstead Heath Gathering with Jake Farr £10.00 Book January Hampstead Heath Gathering with Jake Farr £10.00 Book March Monday Monthly: Putting Our Restless Energies to Work £10.00 Book Monday Monthly: Attention and Hope £10.00 Book December Hampstead Heath Gathering with Jake Farr £10.00 Sorry, booking now closed Book One-to-one Coaching £0.00 Add To Cart