“To be fully alive, fully human, and completely awake is to be continually thrown out of the nest. To live fully is to be always in no-man's-land, to experience each moment as completely new and fresh.”

Pema Chödrön, Tibetan Buddhist nun

Putting Our Restless Energies to Work

Online, generally on the 3rd Monday of each month, 4 - 5.15pm (see bottom of this page for all dates & booking links)

What is stirring for you during this time of great confusion? As old certainties fall away, what do you notice about your response to the crises we face: how you feel, what you think, say and do? How does the way you are living your life model what you wish for, and what else is possible?

Each 75 minute gathering offers quiet time for individual reflection alongside opportunities for pairs, small and/or whole group sharing. Our Four Pathways to Spirited Leadership framework acts as our guide and, each month, we offer a different provocation or themed input.

We invite you to bring your curiosity and generosity, ready to explore all that matters in good company with others, creating strong, trusting community in the process. Group size varies with a limit of 10 participants.

There is no pre-read or formal preparation. However, you may wish to reflect ahead of time with the help of our framework and the following questions. Notice what is moving in you, what you may be resisting, and what you feel curious to explore. The questions here are illustrative, by no means exhaustive:

  • What supports you to live and lead curiously, creatively, courageously?

  • What important information do your restless energies hold for you?

  • What are you seeking to transform, in service of what?

  • What are you avoiding looking deeply into?

  • What might spirited leadership look and feel like for you?

  • Which relationships matter most at this time, and in what ways do you wish for them to be different?

  • How might you be contributing to the conditions you say you don’t want?

  • What might a small, close-in experimental next step be for you?

  • What is the bold experiment you would love to undertake, and who might you ask for support with it?


You may also wish to take a look at our writing, much of which explores what it means, and what it takes, to turn our restless energies into spirited leadership fit for these times.

Whatever is stirring for you, we warmly invite you to join these richly connected, nourishing circles of inquiry, as a one-off, or a regular fixture in your calendar. Each session begins with an agreement about confidentiality and it will be up to you at all times to share as little or as much as you wish.

If you have questions of any kind as you consider whether or not to step in, please contact us via or book a discovery call.

We ask you to book for each Monday Monthly in advance and a nominal £10 fee applies. Additional donations are welcome; people often make these after an event, as an expression of their appreciation and in support of our work as a community interest company.

What people say about the time they spend with Leading Through Storms:

“That was a wonderful, generous and impactful session. I love the framework and way you were so present and encouraged us all to be open. Thank you - it was just what I needed.” - Linda Aspey, leadership coach & climate psychology specialist

“Working in collaboration with others and the LTS practices has given me confidence to be bolder, braver, take risks.” - Annette Hennessy, former CEO of Merseyside Probation Trust

“The LTS community of practice is a safe space for me to rest and reflect. I’ve found a community of spirits on the same journey bringing diverse perspectives. Powerful and so needed in this game changing time.” - Bel Jacobs FRSA, writer, speaker, activist

“Not just a safe, but a brave, container.” - Amel Sedaoui, leadership development trainer & coach