β€œAll the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today.”

Traditional proverb

Hampstead Heath Gathering with Jake Farr

Hampstead Heath, London, NW5 1QR, UK

Generally on the 1st Friday of each month, 2 - 4pm (see bottom of this page for all dates & booking links)

These monthly gatherings on Hampstead Heath are a counterpoint to busyness, disconnection and much else. A little medicine to help to heal our broken relationship with the more than human, ourselves and each other.

Drawing on The Work That Reconnects, Deep Ecology and Natural Voice, each two hour session will include invitations into some guided processes to nourish ourselves and Mother Earth.

Being in Nature is an essential part of our work at Leading Through Storms. Our relationship with Nature (including all animals, our own nature and the wildness of trees) is foundational to climate breakdown and the messiness of these troubling times. These gatherings are deeply personally nourishing, and help to fuel our outer work and service in the world.

Open to all, newcomers and regular LTS community members alike, we invite you to down tools and join us. Come alone, or bring a friend. As a regular fixture in your calendar, or whenever works for you. We look forward to welcoming you.

We ask you to book in advance for a nominal fee. Additional donations are welcome; people often make these after an event, as an expression of their appreciation and in support of our work and this community.
